A new day

Feeling much better this morning after a good night’s rest. Discovered the amazing taste of things called “Pill pockets” and am entirely happy to take my medicine in those. Rather peckish a tually and have just eaten Ted’s bakfast as well as mine – perhaps explains why Ted is now glaring at me.

Ah well, time to wander back and a see if there were any scraps I missed. 

The morning after

Feeling much better this morning and have discovered the wonderful taste of “Pill Pockets” even if they did hide pills inside them. Jolly peckish so have eaten Ted’s breakfast as well as my own. Ted is glaring at me – time to go and check out the food bowls again in case I missed something.

Horror …

I have had a bad experience.  He shut the bathroom door after his nightly ablutions, careless of the fact that I was in there to check he had done his teeth properly. I was compelled to spend an uncomfortable night sleeping in the bath.

Not good enough. I gave him the famed feline piteous look but he laughed.


Over and out (for now)

… and so, after three months a few days of Canadian blogging “she” has finally caught an image of me-and-him together in a chair which (apart from my weight) seems to have been the ultimate goal we were set.  I confess that all this computing and password remembering and stuff like that is difficult for a fat cat to cope with and so I have decided that – barring special events – I am going to hang up my blogging hat at this site and leave it to himself and his all purpose “journal” to capture my magnificence henceforth.  

It’s been interesting, but I am more interested in tuna than in the internet … unless it’s the sort of net that catches tune.

So – for posterity – here we are:


Oh my gosh

Lots of banging and bumping and a noticeable absence of food combined with a certain strange motion lead me to conclude that I may be in the air right now … guess I need to put my internal clock back five hours.  I hear it snows where I am going – but hopefully not quite yet.

Evolution at the Sparroworks …

The address of this on-line journal has already changed a couple of times since it emerged from the egg but finally the senior Sparrow has found a nesting cavity with enough “features” to make another, and hopefully final, démenagement worthwhile … accordingly might we ask you to follow us over to the tree next door and henceforth to bookmark and visit this address:


See you there.

The Canadian workman is worthy of his hire …

Time to catch up …

First, we would be remiss if we did not mention the great construction project of Baie d’Urfé.  At the end of our road is a bus route and bus stop where we have many times stood in the rain waiting for something dry to coma along.  A couple of weeks ago the road there was blocked by three trucks, several orange cones and two guys controlling traffic while a hole was dug.  Big stuff, we speculated, must be going to put in one of those warm bus shelters with seats.  Checked the site at the end of the day and there was shuttering in place in a  very deep hole …. “a BIG shelter” we said to each other.  A few days later the trucks and gang of men were back controlling traffic and concrete was poured.  A few days after that a concrete slab was laid with reinforcing rods and we decided this shelter was probably going to be big enough to hold fifty people.  Every time work was done, the same three trucks, two traffic controllers, foremen standing around sucking their teeth and much impressive potential.

Finally, all was revealed and the job has been completed.  No, not a shelter but a two seater bench bolted to a concrete slab with some bits of decorative turf around the edges.  Nice to know our taxes are being well spent.  Pretty sure that two guys with a spare afternoon and a sack of cement powder could have done the job but that is not the way in our prosperous little town.

Anyway – a warm, dry, cloudy, humid weekend and so the mozzies are out in force in the arboretum abut they didn’t deter us.  In the last week or two the plants in there have burst upwards and it’s quite a job hacking your way along some trails …

Tiger Swallowtail butterfly

Tiger Swallowtail butterfly

Campion (??)

Campion (??)

Junior American Crows taking flying lessons from their parents

Junior American Crows taking flying lessons from their parents

Flap, flap, flap aaaaand ..... made it !

Flap, flap, flap aaaaand ..... made it !

The Sugar Shack in a sea of Sweet Cecily

The Sugar Shack in a sea of Sweet Cecily

Marshy morning

This weekend’s early morning expedition was to Cooper Marsh (Marais Cooper) just over the border in Ontario and beside the St. Lawrence river.  Some interesting birding and a good number of species but nothing terribly special – mostly a nice ramble without other people to annoy us.  Pausing for a coffee mid-morning we found ourselves in small thicket of trees beside the marsh that was heaving with numerous Common Yellowthroats and some Yellow Warblers hopping about gathering insects.  At the western end of the marsh there were many overflights of Snipe (Wilson’s Snipe) and all over the place were stands of brightly flowering yellow and purple iris.  A very nice morning.  The Ospreys had departed from the nesting platform which was being used by several Snipe as a place to hang out and rest giving us good views through the scope.

Cooper Marsh - a very fine wetland birding site

Cooper Marsh - a very fine wetland birding site

One of the welcoming party near the entrance

One of the welcoming party near the entrance

Bullfrog deciding if we were a threat

Bullfrog deciding if we were a threat



More Irises

More Irises

Tree Swallow

Tree Swallow (note the fuzzy background is due to a shallow DOF on the lens and constitutes "art" ... OK - it was intentional?)

Something to note … I have once again been playing around with trying to find the optimum web-journaling arrangement and it may be that in a few days, or weeks, or never I will invite you to redirect your bookmarks to the experimental parallel site I am developing at the moment.  If you have time, please visit http://sparroworks.ca/journal/ and let me knowyour thoughts.  You will see from the URL why this appeals to me and no, it’s not just that the banner images change every time you visit.